Hi there, Adventurers!
I know it's been a quiet couple weeks, but we are officially in MARCH (already!) and the production part of the campaign is now beginning. There's a LOT to go over in this update, so take a look at the summary below and let's dive in:
- Pre-order store is now LIVE (with stretch goals)!
- Surveys coming soon (and how to still pay for your pledge if your payment failed)
- Connecting with UK Backers/Collector Tiers
- Timeline expectations - locking orders, charging orders, and shipping
- Finalizing files for production (and what to expect over the coming weeks)
The Pre-Order Store is LIVE (and has PREVIEWS for anyone who pledge during the campaign)
To avoid getting charged for shipping twice, please do not use the pre-order store if you are an existing backer. Everything that's available in the pre-order store will also be available to you through the add-on portion of the survey, including the two stretch goal pins.
Please note that cards are not charged right away for pre-order store orders. My goal right now is to lock any current surveys and orders on April 13 and charge cards at that time, but I'll also note that the specific date may be moved out depending on where we're at with stretch goals. I will make sure you have plenty of warning as we progress!
Stretch goals have been added for the "Support Human Artists" pin and the set of mini pins. These have a minimum order number to reach before they will go into production. If we do not reach this minimum order, these items will be removed from any pre-orders or survey responses before cards are charged.
Surveys to Launch Early March, Due April 11
If you pledged during the campaign, the survey helps me know which specific pins or add-ons you wanted so that I can order more accurately. The survey is drafted but needs to go under review from the BackerKit team before I can officially launch it.
My goal right now is to launch smoke tests early the first week of March, followed by surveys to all others shortly after. The smoke test is sent to 5% of backers across all pledge levels to help identify any issues with surveys early on before it's sent to everyone else. I'll continue to keep you updated as we get approval, send out smoke tests, and fully launch surveys.
If your pledge failed, you will still have the opportunity to correct it during the survey. You can check to see if your payment had gone through by going to "Your Pledges & Surveys" and clicking on "View Pledge" next to the Con Adventurers campaign.
If you backed using Pay Over Time, you will not receive the survey yet! Surveys are not sent to Pay Over Time orders until the full pledge balance is paid. That's either once the four months is up or the full pledge payment is paid, whichever comes first. At that time, you should receive an automatic invite to the survey.
You will not be charged for any additional add-ons right away. They will be charged after surveys are locked. Right now, the goal is to send a 48-hour warning on April 11 and officially lock surveys on April 13.
Next Steps for Backers in the UK
If you backed at the "Overseas: UK Reservation" pledge level, no need to take action until the survey goes out! There will be a reminder for next steps - with links! - in the survey. Ultimately, I'll need you to reach out to me via Etsy *after you've completed your survey* so we can create your order. We'll be using the original pledge level pricing/pricing in the pre-order store, for reference, and we'll be working toward the same April 11 date.
Next Steps for Collector Tiers
If you backed at the "Collector" pledge level, I will be emailing you directly regarding your commission drawing no later than Friday, March 7. There is also a reminder in the survey to look out for an email from me.
Sketches/subject matter for the commission drawing MUST be confirmed by April 6. Once we've connected on the convention activity, I'll send a layout sketch for approval. I can do up to two rounds of revisions on the sketches before the April 6 deadline. If I do not hear from you during that month, you will receive a drawing of my choosing featuring the two characters.
Please note that the goal is to still include the stretch goal pins in your order if possible. If we are able to unlock the "Support Human Artists" pin and mini pin set, one of each will automatically be included in your order.
Timeline Estimates
There's a lot of notes above about what to expect, so I wanted to include a summary below. Please note that these are goal times and are still subject to change, but I will continue to send out updates if any changes are needed.
Early March: Smoke tests/surveys to send
March: Production begins on some items that are less dependent on specific numbers
April 13: Surveys locked, cards charged for pre-orders, shipping, and any additional add-ons.
April/May: Production on all remaining items
June/July: Fulfillment, in alignment with the original fulfillment estimate
Finalizing Files for Production
While most of this work has been drafted, I'll be doing a final review and may need to make some small tweaks to designs to better fit with production needs. If any small changes are needed, I will be sharing them here along the way!
I plan to start with the stickers, as these are less dependent on survey results, and will continue to clean up and finalize pin files throughout March, as well.
I think that's it for now! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you ever have any questions. Talk soon!